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WISKIND, The First Metal Enclosure System Company, Obtained ISCC PLUS Certification in Asia


1. What is ISCC certification?

The full name of ISCC is "International Sustainability and Carbon Certification". It originated in Germany and is a globally recognized environmental standard that aims to promote the development of the global economy in a more environmentally friendly and sustainable direction. It is the first implementation standard of the EU Renewable Energy Directive. Since 2010, it has become an important system for reducing carbon emissions and promoting environmental protection.



2. Product certification and significance

The Biomass Balance (BMB) polyurethane cold storage sandwich panel developed by WISKIND and BASF has successfully obtained ISCC PLUS certification. WISKIND is the first certified supplier of building metal enclosure systems in Asia. From raw materials to production to consumption, it meets the market's demand for green building solutions in one stop.




3. Influence

WISKIND not only meet the green and low-carbon development needs of our customers. We have also made efforts and contributions in promoting green development of the entire industry and building a sustainable future, especially in aspects such as production technology and supply chain management, and has been widely recognized internationally.



4. Conclusion

Please continue to pay attention to our updates, witness the power of green innovation, and explore the future of sustainable development. Inject new advantages and new impetus into the high-quality development of the industry.

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